Feel free to pass this along; it’s surprisingly true…
Rebekah Tauber, a 15-year-old Houston girl, is suffering from a rare form of cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy in Texas. Rebekah is a Christian who believes in the power of prayer and is wearing a “prayer pager” supported by the Second Baptist Church in Houston. (The church is currently providing prayer pagers for five people, three adults and two children.) Here’s how it works: Take a moment to say a prayer for Rebekah, and then dial 1-800-250-6939 for her pager. You’ll be greeted by the following message:
You have reached the Second Baptist Church prayer pager for Rebekah Tauber. At the tone, please enter your five-digit zip code followed by the # sign and Rebekah’s pager will go off. Rebekah will know she’s been prayed for by you. Thank you and God bless.
After you finish your message, Rebekah’s pager will vibrate and she’ll know that someone is praying for her.