Help the troops call home

It’s Thanksgiving, and while we all have many things to be thankful for, one thing we share is the willingness of our all-volunteer armed services around the globe to work on our behalf to protect our freedoms and way of life. Regardless of your opinion of the current conflict, we should all stand together in support of the men and women of the armed services.

The USO (in conjunction with Glenn Beck) is spearheading a fundraiser to send calling cards to soldiers around the world to allow them to call home. These USO Care Packages cost $20 and include requested items such as pre-paid worldwide phone cards, sunscreen, travel size toiletries, disposable camera and a message from the donor thanking them for their service and sacrifice.

Please call 800-457-4292 and make a donation today. It takes about three minutes to complete the call.

Weigh In: Parent-hosted Drinking Parties

There has been some buzz recently about laws being passed that allow parents to be charged with a crime for hosting drinking parties for their underage teens. Though my kids are a long way off from this, I’m curious to know what the prevailing thoughts are out there…

Here are the arguments for and against:


  1. They’re going to drink anyway, I feel it’s more responsible to provide an environment for them to do it where I can control it.
  2. Studies have shown that 75% of teens have at least tried alcohol.
  3. Proponents of this approach say that the issue is about safety and responsibility.


  1. Studies have also shown that kids who have parents with a strong anti-drinking message still try alcohol at a rate of 33%. But kids of parents with a lax drinking message do so at 89%.
  2. Studies also show that, while 75% of kids have “tried” alcohol, only 50% “drank alcohol in the last 30 days.”
  3. Opponents of home drinking parties wonder, if “they’re going to do it anyway” is the primary reason, why you would stop at providing alcohol? Why not provide condoms and IUD’s for sex parties? Why not provide cigarettes or marijuana?

So… what do you think?

Read more:
[An article from the Chicago Sun-Times]
[An article from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle]
[An article from the New York Daily News]

How tired do you have to be?

Char woke me up at 1:30am yesterday morning talking in her sleep. This isn’t all that unusual; it actually happens quite a bit. She normally talks about the kids, has conversations, etc. (She laughed once, and honestly, that was a bit creepy.) But the other night was a first. I woke up when she said, “I am so tired.”

Now, exactly how tired do you have to be to dream about being tired?