50 Best Inventions of 2008

This is one of those “un-looked-for” joys: Time Magazines’ annual article about the most impressive, game-changing inventions of the year. There are some very cool things on the list this year:

The Tesla Roadster – an all-electric rocket that goes from 0-60 in four seconds, powered entirely by the same lithium ion batteries in laptops and created by a Silicon Valley startup. In my book, the new sedan is even cooler, but that’s probably because I’m old.

Hulu – Okay, call be a believer, as you already know from my recent web review article, but Hulu is just flat-out awesome. Coupled with Boxee, it doesn’t only change the game, the changes the entire paradigm. (And that’s not just hyperbole.)

The Seed Vault – I first heard about this on a 60 Minutes report and smacked myself in the forehead and thought, “That’s something that makes perfect sense that I never considered.” This is why I’m glad there are lots of smart people thinking about lots of different things.

The Montreal Public Bike System – This just needs to happen in lots of places.

(Freaking) Bionic Contacts – Yeah, sure, they’ll let you look up and see maps placed directly in your field of vision or even show you — exactly — which button to press to avoid a nuclear meltdown (perhaps), but can you imagine the games?

And, perhaps my personal favorite:

The Direct-to-Web Supervillain Musical – And to think my neighbor Paul knew him when he was just Doogie Howser, MD…Neil Patrick Harris blew everyone away with this. You just have to watch it to appreciate it.

For the first time I can remember, there are also a few on the list that I take considerable umbrage with. For the sake of us all, I hope Time reconsiders the following:
Housing Funds
The Branded Candidate
The New Ping Pong Serve

Head over to see the complete list and find your own favorite.