March of Dimes Working to Reduce Premature Births

This is a subject near and dear to me… As most of you know, Abby and Grace were born almost two months early and spent a month in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Thanks to great doctors and nurses (and a great NICU facility), they’re doing great now. As you can imagine, not all babies are as lucky.

Over the past twenty years, the number of premature births has increased by almost 30%. And in half of these cases, the cause is unkown. Most of these babies do very well, but some suffer a variety of long-term affects. The March of Dimes, they of FDR and polio vaccine fame, is putting its considerable weight behind tackling this issue. In 2003, the March of Dimes launched a massive Prematurity Campaign to support the work of top researchers and to assist and educate families across the country. You can read more about this effort on their website.

What can you do to help? There are a few easy ways…

  1. Prematurity Awareness Day is November 16.
  2. You can sign the petition heading for Washington to support research funding.
  3. Make a small donation to help.
  4. Make a donation to buy a band (like the one above) in honor of a premature baby you know
  5. Use the little email symbol below (or this link) to send this article to other people you know!

Thanks for your help!

Lily Decides: Halloween Tops

Not surprisingly, the verdict is in: any holiday that allows you to put on your imagination, dress up as anything you like, and get candy merely by walking up to a house and asking is tops with Lily. She said, “I love Halloween, Dad!” And then went on to rate her top three:

  1. Halloween
  2. Easter
  3. Christmas

While Jack often got into the wagon to ride between houses, Lily ran from door to door.

She sported her Little Red Riding Hood costume, Jack dressed as a Mickey Mouse Fire Fighter, and the girls were “Peas in a Pod”. Char donned a witch costume and I was a scarecrow. I’ll upload some photos soon.