File Under: Who Cares?

adidas Golf 360-Hole PlayoffI received an email today from Adidas Golf telling me about the exciting plans for “THE WORLD’S FIRST 360 HOLE PLAYOFF” featuring two guys I’ve never heard of playing golf for 50 days across nine continents with the ultimate prize hanging in the balance: a job at Adidas Golf.

My first thought: “Who cares?” And even though they were imploring me to follow it online, the more I considered it, the less I felt the whole thing was relevant to me or anyone I know.

Then I noticed that “throughout the entire challenge” (ed. note: playing golf for a month and a half is a ‘challenge’? It sounds like a vacation. But I digress…) Anyway, “throughout the entire challenge, the athletes will put adidas Golf apparel and footwear in play, testing our industry-leading performance technologies in a range of conditions…” On second thought, aside from their mothers, who could possibly care?

Just in case the hook isn’t set yet, you should know that the “two golfers will also compete in a series of competitions off the course.” I’m guessing beer pong. Maybe foosball.

I would be amazed– utterly amazed– if they get enough people following this ‘event’ to call it a success. Can’t wait to hear the results.

Memories of Lots-o-Huggin’ Bear

Ah, remember those old toys you used to love? Lincoln Logs. Stretch Armstong. Lots-o-Huggin’ Bear. Especially that Huggin’ Bear. Pink fur, purple fuzzy nose and a soft belly that just begged to be squeezed. Smelled like, strawberries. Remember that?

This might help:

You can see other vintage commercials featuring the toys you love on YouTube on the MrCrazyCommercial Channel.


[Note: As an added bonus, look for Lots-o-Huggin’ Bear to show up on the big screen! This summer he’ll have a supporting role in Toy Story 3! File this whole thing under “brilliant marketing”.]

Moonvertising: Brilliant Idea or Gullible Consumers?

Man, we’re gullible. I don’t mean you, of course. I mean the collective “we”, as in the “we” who are still forwarding email messages that Bill Gates is running an experiment to give away cash. While it hasn’t happened yet, I expect my InBox to begin filling with messages decrying the use of the moon as advertising space and attempting to organize a boycott of Rolling Rock beer.

By now you’ve likely seen one of the billboards or TV spots instructing you to gaze thoughtfully at the next full moon (March 21) to see a gigantic Rolling Rock icon emblazoned there. (You can stay inside watching reruns of “I Love Lucy”… It’s not going to happen. First, we simply haven’t harnessed the power necessary to fire the laser that far that cleanly to make it work. Next, the FAA isn’t going to allow it. Finally, imagined how irritated people would be when the moon becomes a billboard.)

[Disclaimer: Those crafty Russians may have figured out a way to build this laser and would likely sell their grandmother’s derriere for advertising space, so that’s about the only conceivable possibility that this might come to pass. But I’d put the odds at about twice as unlikely as winning the Powerball.]

What Rolling Rock is hoping to gain is buzz. And that makes me feel a little dirty for even writing about it, as every mention of the campaign will be scraped, wrapped up, tied with a bow and called a success. Please don’t misunderstand me: this might get noticed, it might generate buzz, and you (they) might call it a success. But I will be astonished if sales of Rolling Rock go up an appreciable degree outside of the normal spike they might see after a large, expensive, national advertising campaign.

[Disclaimer Two: You know, Hugo Chavez has a lot of money. I could see him trying to do this just to thumb his nose at our pesky FAA regulations. “Oil for lasers” or something like that.]

We might be dumb enough to look up at the moon next week, whether out of idle curiosity or misguided intentions, but I just don’t see that translating into “Gosh, looks like the laser failed. I think I’ll head to the liquor store and grab a six pack of Rolling Rock.”

Every new author of a best-seller can demonstrate that “buzz” is good. Eliot Spitzer can demonstrate that buzz can be very, very bad. Be careful that you’re cultivating the right kind with the right strategy, or you might end up trying to shoot the moon… and miss.

Warning: I'm About to Toot the Rare Bird Horn

We’ve had some good news this week. The Web Marketing Association has announced the winners of its annual WebAwards and Rare Bird was recognized for four sites, including winning top honors in the shopping category.

From the Association: “With thousands of entries from more than 40 countries, the WebAwards set the standard of excellence for successful web site development.”

[See our award winners]